Hi all,
About a month ago Debian Community released the long-awaited
Debian 7 'Wheezy':
It includes a lot of new features. The most notable, of course, is
GNOME 3 user interface. It's amazing!
_in_GNOME_3.8.png) |
GNOME 3 Screenshot |
Skype at Debian 7
Most of the user computers now are 64-bit machines (usually everything works fine with AMD64 version). But
Skype provides binaries only for 32-bit architecture (i386). Fortunately,
Milti-Arch support at Debian solves this problem!
Debian Wiki page about Skype (
http://wiki.debian.org/skype ) is written in a too complicated way. It took me a while to understand: what is connected to what?
To simplify Debian users' life, here is the
Step by step installation manual
Install Debian 7 'Wheezy' (I'm using AMD64 version). Straight forward process:
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ . Nothing special.
After finishing installation, open Terminal (in GNOME 3: Activities -> Applications -> Terminal).
Log in as
$ su -l
If you disabled
root login during the installation process, you may run
$ sudo bash OR insert
sudo in front of the following commands.
Now add the new architecture i386:
# dpkg --add-architecture i386
# aptitude clean && aptitude update
libpulse:# aptitude install libpulse0 libpulse0:i386
Then, download Skype:
# wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb
WARNING: Fork: Here this manual way diverges from presented one at Debian Wiki!
Install Skype dependencies:
# dpkg-deb --field skype-install.deb Depends
# aptitude install <every package from the dpkg-deb output, adding :i386 suffix>
Closing the finish line, install Skype itself:
# dpkg --install skype-install.deb
The last thing to do is to enable "
[x] Check for update on startup" in the ‘Advanced’ tab of the options menu in Skype. In this case Skype will notify you about new versions.
That's all! :) Enjoy!